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Dr. Troy Hall
There are three ways to retain employees and stop the talent swap. By infusing the three strategic elements of cohesion—belonging,
Matt Tenney
Employee retention and turnover are related because high levels of retention lead to lower rates of turnover. Retention and turnover
S. Chris Edmonds, Mark Babbitt
Being in the enviable position of having many talented candidates vying for positions in your organization, and being able to
Matt Tenney
Benefits help retain employees by meeting their needs in a way that is designed to engage them and keep them
In this episode we talked with Shanda Miller and discussed how supervisors can change to become super leaders.
Matt Tenney
When organizations use employee retention metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) to track employee retention, they can predict which employees
Matt Tenney
Employee retention rate is defined as the percentage of employees that remain at an organization during a specific time period,
Ciara Ungar
The best strategies for retaining quality employees are cultivating authenticity, creating an agile environment, and fostering trust on a daily
Matt Tenney
Recruiting and retaining talented employees is important for an organization’s financial sustainability and essential for maintaining high levels of productivity,
John Spence
The single most significant factor why employees leave, by a wide margin, is their relationship with their immediate supervisor. People
Matt Tenney
Employee engagement reduces turnover because engaged employees are less likely to leave their jobs. This helps organizations avoid the high
Matt Tenney
Compensation is important for employee retention because it helps companies avoid the high costs associated with turnover. Competitive compensation packages
In this episode we talked with Dick Finnegan and explored how to use stay interviews to significantly reduce employee turnover.
Matt Tenney
The value of employee engagement for organizations is evident in the high productivity, improved performance, low turnover, and increased profitability
Matt Tenney
Employee engagement is linked to business performance because it affects profitability, productivity, absenteeism, retention, and customer satisfaction. Engagement is also

The 7 Factors of Employee Engagement

The seven factors of employee engagement are strong leadership, a caring culture, meaningful work, regular feedback (including recognition), professional growth

The Common Behaviors of Engaged Employees

The common behaviors of engaged employees include performing well, taking accountability, forging trust-based, collaborative relationships with co-workers, improving processes, developing