Business Leadership Today

Top 10 Books on How To Motivate Employees

Understanding the different ways to motivate employees is essential for any leader. Fortunately, many insightful and thought-provoking books can help leaders excel in the fine art of motivating.

Why Companies Need Leadership Development Programs

Companies need leadership development programs to help leaders at all levels develop resilience and build human capability, the mainspring of business success. Well-targeted leadership development programs can help leaders respond to four types of challenges: strategic, change, political, and cultural.

Why Servant Leadership Is Important

Servant leadership is important because it’s focused on creating the necessary conditions for sustainable success. It reinforces culture in positive ways that keep employees motivated and working together harmoniously and prevents organizational culture from turning toxic.

What Is a Good Employee Retention Rate?

A good employee retention rate is an indication that an organization has a strong retention strategy and is experiencing low turnover. A retention rate of 90% or higher is considered to be a good retention rate, meaning organizations should strive for an average employee turnover rate of 10% or less.