Business Leadership Today

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Matt Tenney
The five key leadership skills are the ability to motivate team members to do great work, build trust and influence
Matt Tenney
The different types of leadership are autocratic leadership, bureaucratic leadership, transactional leadership, democratic leadership, laissez-faire leadership, charismatic leadership, coaching leadership,
Matt Tenney
Employees who work for compassionate managers are 25% more engaged in their work, 20% more committed to the organization, and
Matt Tenney
Leadership is so important in business because leaders have a profound impact on the employee experience. Good leaders consistently communicate
Brad Federman
Good leadership in the workplace inspires ownership through accountability, buy-in through commitment to a shared sense of purpose, and successful
Matt Tenney
The key to leadership is inspiring employees to do great work. Leaders inspire greatness in their teams through good communication,
Matt Tenney
Whether you are currently in a leadership position or hoping to move into one soon, there are many opportunities for
Matt Tenney
The five levels of leadership are position, permission, production, people development, and pinnacle. Leaders develop skills, build confidence, grow influence,
Matthew Wride
Effective leadership is not merely about charisma, influence, special traits, or keen intellect. Rather, effective leadership is the ability to
Matt Tenney
The five leadership styles most commonly utilized are authoritarian (autocratic), participative (democratic), delegative (laissez-faire), transactional (managerial), and transformational leadership (visionary).
Matt Tenney
There are seven leadership principles that should guide every leader: fostering a culture of accountability, cultivating an improvement mindset, maintaining
Matt Tenney
The best style of leadership is servant leadership. A leader’s primary job is to inspire their teams to do great
Matt Tenney
The three most important qualities of a leader are emotional intelligence, compassion, and the ability to inspire greatness in their
Matt Tenney
The four behavioral leadership styles are directive leadership, supportive leadership, participative leadership, and achievement-oriented leadership. Each style has its merits
S. Chris Edmonds, Mark Babbitt
Good leadership meets the expectations of today’s workforce, fosters a culture of respect, creates a servant purpose, and defines values

The 4 Behavioral Leadership Styles

The four behavioral leadership styles are directive leadership, supportive leadership, participative leadership, and achievement-oriented leadership. Each style has its merits

14 Leadership Skills Examples

Leadership skills examples include the ability to be flexible, build trust, empathize, communicate, give and receive feedback, actively listen, be

What Is a Retention Benefit?

A benefit of retention for organizations is the impact it has on an organization’s overall profitability. A high retention rate

The 5 Main Drivers of Employee Retention

The five main drivers of employee retention are strong leadership, frequent feedback, including recognition, opportunities for advancement, competitive compensation packages,