Business Leadership Today

Grant Botma on How to Attract Top Talent and Build a Thriving Company Culture


In this episode we talked with author and CEO Grant Botma and discussed the 3 most important things that a leader needs to do to attract top talent and build a thriving company culture

Grant is the founder of the financial services firm Stewardship. The mission at Stewardship is “To genuinely care for people by loving and serving them in their finances.” Grant and his team go above and beyond to educate their clients and minimize the frustration that often comes when dealing with things like insurance, loans, and investments.

Grant has also written two books Work–Life Harmony: Enjoy Your Life and Family More Because of (Not in Spite Of) Your Work, and The Problem Isn’t Their Paycheck: How to Attract Top Talent and Build a Thriving Company Culture

Join us as we discuss with Grant how to attract top talent and build a thriving company culture. Hear Grant share why his employees not only stay with his company, but love working there despite the fact that they could make more money at another firm. Listen to Grant and Matt discuss the power of affirmation and how it can be used when things go wrong as well as when things go right.

Here is a link to Grant’s website:

Here is a link to Grant’s book:
The Problem Isn’t Their Paycheck: How to Attract Top Talent and Build a Thriving Company Culture

Here is a link if you want to Connect With Grant on LinkedIn:
Grant’s Linkedin Profile

Grant’s Top 5

1. Money is important. You must pay enough so that it is not an issue, but it is not what brings in top talent and keeps them.

“What you have to understand through the hiring process is what the people you are hiring need. If they have good habits with their personal spending or don’t need to go on a long commute to work or if they have a second income in their home, these all affect what you potential employees will need from their salary.” – Grant Botma

2. Freedom is a currency, and is more motivational than money.

“I believe that we were created in a free world where freedom is a thing that all of us were not only created for but we desire and we want and  we need. Wars are waged over freedom and we battle for it. Sadly some places of employment take away from freedom. From micromanaging the flow of our employees work and when they take breaks and when they vacation to being overly-reaching on how the work is done and not letting our employees have autonomy.” – Grant Botma

3. Affirmation is more motivational than money and should be a part of company culture.

“Affirmation are the guard rails that keep people from ending up in the gutter. You give people the freedom to try and complete a goal and then use affirmation to guide their decisions and actions as they choose their path.” – Grant Botma

4. A Unified Purpose is the most motivational thing.

“A unified purpose acts as the ‘why’ to why your business maintains its purpose. Too many people think profit is the purpose of business which is wrong. Profit is the reaction to your business achieving its purpose which is serving somebody.” – Grant Botma

5. Creating a culture with Freedom, Affirmation, and a Unified Purpose is what attracts top talent and builds a thriving culture.

When you combine the freedom to do work how an employee sees fit with affirmation to guide them in their decision making process you created empowered employees who learn and grow in their career. When you pair this growth with a unified purpose that gives them a ‘why” to the business’ purpose and therefor their individual goals, you will create a highly motivated team that is full of happy and satisfied employees who serve your customer base well.

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