Business Leadership Today

Top Leadership Training Software Solutions in 2024


Muriel Call, Staff Writer

Organizations face unprecedented challenges. From global competition to rapid technological advancements to shifting worker priorities, changes are happening at such a fast pace that it can be difficult to keep up, much less get ahead. 

In this dynamic and uncertain environment, strong leadership becomes the linchpin that drives success, and technology plays a pivotal role these days in developing future leaders. 

As we navigate 2024 and whatever challenges it may bring our way, many organizations are looking for leadership training software solutions that blend traditional wisdom with cutting-edge digital tools, empowering them to cultivate exceptional leaders.

But with so many leadership development software options on the market and new ones constantly rolling out, it can take time for organizations to determine where their dollars will be best spent. 

We know the task is daunting, but we’re here to help make the selection process much easier for you. 

We reviewed current leadership development software options on the market and compiled a list of the ones we think are the best for companies looking to develop the next generation of leaders or for current leaders looking to improve their skills. 

As organizations strive to develop exceptional leaders, the landscape of leadership development is evolving in ways that can help us both streamline the process and make it more efficient. In 2024, several cutting-edge software solutions stand out, each offering unique features and capabilities that are the perfect fit for your organization’s needs.

The top leadership training software solutions for 2024 are PeopleThriver, D2L Brightspace, TalentLMS, CYPHER Learning, Absorb, iSpring, and Blackboard Learn LMS. Some additional options include Qooper, Skillsoft Leadership Development Program, NovoEd, BetterUp, and GlobeSmart. 

This article explores the best leadership training software solutions available in 2024. 

Why Leadership Training Matters

Leadership training programs are pivotal in developing essential leadership qualities, ensuring that leaders inspire trust, motivate their teams, and drive overall engagement. But leadership training isn’t just about acquiring theoretical knowledge; it’s about applying these principles in real-world scenarios. 

Good leadership training will teach leaders how to navigate complex situations, drive innovation, build resilience, and improve employee engagement.  

As we explore the top leadership training software solutions for 2024, keep these foundational aspects in mind.

Navigating Complexity

The modern business landscape is a complex puzzle with many interconnected pieces. Leaders find themselves dealing with diverse teams, complicated supply chains, and ever-shifting market and workforce dynamics.

Leadership training equips leaders with essential skills such as strategic thinking, decision-making, and adaptability so that they can better navigate the intricate web of organizational challenges.

Driving Innovation

Innovation fuels an organization’s progress and ensures its long-term survival. Leaders who champion innovation understand how to foster creativity within their teams and help them stay fearless in the face of failure.

Effective leadership encourages risk-taking, promotes a culture of experimentation, and provides the necessary support for groundbreaking ideas to flourish. By driving innovation, leaders propel their organizations toward growth, sustainability, and competitive advantage.

Building Resilience

Change is inevitable, especially in business. Whether it’s disruptive market shifts, organizational restructuring, or unforeseen crises, including global pandemics, resilient leaders remain steadfast, and so do their team members.

Leadership training cultivates adaptability—the ability to pivot, learn from setbacks, and emerge stronger than ever. Resilient leaders guide their teams through uncertainty and inspire confidence during turbulent times.

Improving Employee Engagement

Employee engagement affects profitability in a variety of ways. Improving employee engagement can significantly improve productivity, safety, absenteeism, retention, and customer satisfaction. For this reason, engaged employees are the heartbeat of any successful organization. 

Engaged employees contribute more, stay loyal, and demonstrate higher levels of commitment to the organization and their roles within it. 

Effective leaders create a positive work environment that engages employees by fostering open communication, recognizing achievements, and promoting a sense of purpose.

The Tech-Driven Transformation of Leadership Development

Leadership development is undergoing a profound shift due to technological advancements, shifting workforce priorities, and changing societal norms that are reshaping how leaders acquire and hone their skills. 

Here are a few key areas where technology is playing a pivotal role:

AI-Driven Assessments and Personalized Learning

Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms analyze huge amounts of data to quickly provide personalized insights. 

These insights give leaders and employees customized suggestions for developing skills based on their individual strengths and areas for improvement and can accelerate the learning and development process.

AI-powered assessment tools can evaluate leadership competencies, including emotional intelligence and decision-making abilities. These assessments guide targeted learning interventions that help leaders improve in the areas where they need it most.

Immersive Virtual Simulations

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) have the potential to revolutionize leadership training. 

These immersive simulations place leaders in hyper-realistic scenarios, providing them with a unique platform to practice critical leadership skills such as decision-making, crisis management, and conflict resolution.

In these simulations, leaders are exposed to a variety of challenging situations that mirror real-world conditions but in a safe, controlled environment. This allows leaders to experiment with different strategies, make mistakes, and learn from them without any real-world repercussions.

Data-Driven Insights

Big data analytics provide leaders with actionable insights into leadership effectiveness by analyzing performance metrics, communication patterns, and team dynamics. This can help organizations identify areas for improvement.

Leaders can use these insights to make course corrections, adapt their leadership styles, and foster collaboration.

Hybrid Learning Models

Blending traditional classroom training with digital modules ensures a more robust and sticky learning experience. With these hybrid learning models, leaders can attend workshops, engage in online discussions, and access self-paced content.

Microlearning—short, focused modules—has many advantages over traditional learning approaches, fitting seamlessly into busy schedules. 

Continuous Learning Platforms

Learning management systems (LMS) are expanding and becoming more than static repositories. They can now offer personalized learning paths, collaboration features, and real-time feedback that can drastically improve the learning experience.

This enables leaders to engage in continuous learning and keep their knowledge and skills relevant in an environment of constant change. 

Focus on Soft Skills and Emotional Intelligence

Technology can even help leaders develop their soft skills, such as empathy and self-awareness. Virtual coaching, interactive scenarios, and feedback loops can enhance emotional intelligence and show leaders where their soft-skill blindspots are.

This can help leaders learn to connect authentically with their team members, grow trust, and improve collaborative efforts.

Accessibility and Inclusivity

One of the best things about technology’s impact on leadership training is that it ensures that leadership development is accessible to all. 

Whether it’s mobile apps, webinars, or e-books, technology helps us break down geographical barriers and learn wherever we are.

As organizations increasingly prioritize diversity and inclusion, there’s growing recognition that effective leadership transcends cultural boundaries and should be accessible to everyone.

Criteria for Evaluating Leadership Training Software

When assessing leadership training software solutions, it’s important to consider the following factors to ensure you choose the best fit for your organization:


Definition: Scalability refers to the software’s ability to accommodate varying organizational sizes and growth.

Considerations: Can the platform handle both small teams and large organizations? Is it flexible enough to adapt as your organization grows?


Definition: Customization assesses how well the software can be tailored to meet your unique training needs.

Considerations: Does the platform allow you to create custom content, modules, and assessments? Can you align the training with your organization’s specific leadership needs?

User Experience (UX)

Definition: UX evaluates how intuitive and user-friendly the software is.

Considerations: Is the navigation straightforward and easy to learn and use? Are features logically organized? Does it provide a seamless learning experience for leaders?

Essential Features

Content Creation: Does the software enable easy content development? Look for features like authoring tools, multimedia integration, and interactive elements.

Reporting and Analytics: Robust reporting helps track progress, identify gaps, and measure effectiveness. Consider features like real-time dashboards, learner performance metrics, and completion rates.

Integrations: Can the software integrate with existing systems? Seamless integrations save time and improve data flow.

Pricing and Value

Cost-Effectiveness: Evaluate the pricing structure. It is subscription-based, is there a per-user charge, or does it require enterprise licenses? It’s important to consider the long-term value relative to the investment. 

Return on Investment (ROI): Assess how the software contributes to leadership development and overall organizational success. Look beyond the initial cost to determine the long-term impacts on productivity, employee engagement, and retention.

Keep in Mind

The right leadership training software aligns with your organization’s goals, culture, and leadership development strategy. Consider these criteria carefully to make an informed decision. 

Top Leadership Training Software Solutions in 2024

And now, without further ado, here are our top leadership training software solutions for 2024. 

PeopleThriver – A simple, scalable solution 

The PeopleThriver leadership training program is a unique and innovative approach designed to develop highly effective leaders who can drive high levels of employee engagement and performance. 

Overview and Key Features

This program is designed to help employees thrive both professionally and personally. To achieve this, the program employs a three-pronged approach. 

Inspiring Context: The program provides an inspiring context that helps managers connect everything they learn to the bigger picture. The managers are frequently reminded that their primary role is to serve as coaches who consistently bring out the best in their team. 

Identifies 14 Universal Needs: It offers managers a clear path to consistently inspire greatness in their employees. The program identifies 14 universal needs that employees have for being engaged at work and helps managers develop habits for meeting these 14 universal needs consistently.

Micro-Trainings: The program employs micro-trainings, in the form of short videos followed by easy-to-follow actionable items. These are spaced out every two to three weeks, allowing managers time to practice new behaviors and develop lasting habits before learning something new. These micro-trainings are synchronized with micro-feedback from employees, further engaging managers. 

Focus on Engagement

The micro-trainings help build the confidence and trust employees have in their managers by allowing them to see meaningful action in response to their feedback almost immediately, which can lead to improvements in employee engagement. 


The PeopleThriver leadership development program guarantees a 300% return on investment

LEADx – An AI-powered solution

LEADx combines behavioral science, artificial intelligence, and expert content to improve leadership behaviors, employee engagement, and productivity.

Overview and Key Features

LEADx is suitable for large and small organizations. It is designed to scale and sustain leadership development and uses AI to create a “digital twin” of each leader based on their personality and 180-survey results.

Here are a few of its key features: 

AI-Powered and Personalized: The platform delivers AI-powered personalized prompts, bite-sized development, and micro-coaching to increase manager effectiveness.

Deep Insights: The platform provides deep insights into each manager’s strengths and challenges, helping to identify high-potential managers and top performers.

Coaching: Managers have one-tap access to a human, ICF-certified coach for ongoing support.

Cohort-Based Training: Optional virtual cohort-based training is available for monthly “Leadership Power Hours.” 

Live Workshops and More: LEADx offers facilitator-led live online workshops, as well as videos, podcasts, and book summaries.

D2L Brightspace – A solution for educators

D2L Brightspace is a platform that focuses on academic leadership development.

Overview and Key Features

D2L Brightspace is an LMS and comprehensive learning innovation platform designed to meet the diverse needs of educators, institutions, and learners.

It offers an array of useful features, including:

Robust Support: D2L Brightspace provides development support for educators and offers tools and features to enhance the teaching experience and alignment with academic goals.

Customization and Flexibility: D2L Brightspace allows customization to align with specific course requirements, teaching methodologies, and institutional policies, so educators can create personalized learning experiences that resonate with their students.

Seamless Integration: D2L Brightspace offers seamless integrations to ensure a cohesive experience for educators and students.

TalentLMS – A solution for small businesses

TalentLMS is a platform tailored for small businesses and utilizes gamified learning. 

Overview and Key Features

TalentLMS is an accessible and user-friendly solution for leadership training. 

Here’s why it’s suited for small businesses:

User-Friendly Interface: TalentLMS focuses on simplicity so leaders and learners can navigate the platform with ease.

Gamification Elements: Leaders earn points as they complete modules, encouraging active participation; receive badges for achievements and milestones, motivating continuous learning; and are ranked on a leaderboard to foster healthy competition among leaders, driving engagement.

Free Plan: TalentLMS offers a free plan to small businesses.

360Learning – A collaborative learning solution

360Learning combines an LMS and learning experience platform (LXP) with collaborative learning academies.

Overview and Key Features

360Learning offers a user-friendly platform that caters to small and large companies looking to quickly and effectively upskill employees. 

Here are just a few of its features: 

Collaborative Learning: 360Learning is designed to cultivate a culture of collaborative learning and enables every team member to both participate and create and update them. 

Automated Learning & Development Tasks: 360Learning automates compliance training and other administrative tasks so instructors can focus more on strategic tasks and less on administrative duties.

Workforce Planning: 360Learning helps organizations map out the skills within their workforce and uses AI to deliver relevant training to learners that is aligned with the individual’s career development plan.

Upskilling Flywheel: 360Learning empowers organizations to create expert-led academies focused on specific functional or topical areas to enable continuous learning and collaborative upskilling. 

Integration: 360Learning integrates with industry-leading Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) and productivity tools to allow for efficient data flow and streamlined processes.

CYPHER Learning – A solution with personalized learning and seamless integration

CYPHER Learning offers a comprehensive solution, with personalized learning and seamless integration, for leadership training. 

Overview and Key Features

CYPHER Learning caters to both enterprise and mid-market segments and adapts to an organization’s specific leadership training requirements.

Here are the key features that make it a great option:

Generative AI: CYPHER Learning leverages artificial intelligence to create personalized learning paths for leaders and tailors content to each learner’s unique needs.

Custom Branding: CYPHER Learning offers custom branding, ensuring alignment with identity and values.

Integrations: CYPHER Learning easily integrates with various systems, including Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), and communication tools.

Absorb – An app solution with gamified learning

Absorb is a versatile platform designed for effective leadership training that develops leaders through flexibility and insights. 

Overview and Key Features

Absorb stands out as a flexible and adaptable platform that caters to various training needs. 

Here’s why it’s worth considering for leadership development:

Content Creation: Absorb enables organizations to create customized content, including leadership modules, compliance training, and skill development, that is aligned with organizational goals.

Mobile App: Absorb’s mobile app allows users to learn on the go and at their own convenience. 

Gamification Elements: Absorb incorporates gamification elements such as points, badges, and leaderboards. Leaders compete, collaborate, and celebrate achievements, enhancing motivation.

In-Depth Reporting: Absorb has robust reporting capabilities that provide insights into learner behavior, course completion rates, and areas for improvement, with real-time dashboards, learner performance metrics, and completion rates. 

iSpring – A solution with targeted training options 

iSpring is a platform designed to enhance leadership training through ease of use and targeted competency mapping

Overview and Key Features 

iSpring simplifies the learning experience for leaders. 

Here’s why it stands out:

Ease of Use: iSpring prioritizes user-friendly design so leaders can navigate the platform easily and focus on learning rather than technical complexities.

Automated Competency Mapping: iSpring automatically maps competencies based on individual performance and learning patterns, and leaders receive targeted recommendations for skill development.

Targeted Training Areas: iSpring caters to specific leadership contexts, including customer training, partner training, sales training, and product training.

Seamless Integrations: iSpring allows users to connect with existing systems, such as CRMs or project management tools, and enhances collaboration and data flow across platforms.

Blackboard Learn LMS – A solution that’s big on features

Blackboard Learn LMS is a versatile platform known for its scalability and wide array of features.

Overview and Key Features

Blackboard Learn LMS caters to organizations of varying sizes. 

Here’s why it’s worth considering for leadership development:

Scalability: Whether you’re a small business, a mid-sized company, or a large enterprise, Blackboard Learn can adapt to businesses of any size, and, as the organization grows, the platform scales seamlessly, accommodating more learners and courses.

Feature-Rich Environment: Blackboard Learn offers a comprehensive suite of features for effective leadership training, including course management, customizable open architecture, and authentication protocols. 

Additional Leadership Development Platform Solutions

Here are a few additional leadership development and training platforms that deserve honorable mention. 


Overview: Docebo enables organizations to tailor training content, including leadership competencies, industry-specific knowledge, or role-based training, to fit their needs.

Outcomes: Leaders receive relevant content at the right time, maximizing engagement and retention.


Overview: Qooper offers a comprehensive platform for high-potential leadership programs and integrates mentoring, learning, and inclusion initiatives.

Outcomes: Leaders benefit from personalized guidance, peer support, and cross-functional networking.

Skillsoft Leadership Development Program

Overview: Skillsoft’s program covers a wide range of leadership competencies and includes microlearning, virtual classrooms, and assessments.

Outcomes: Organizations witness improved decision-making, better team collaboration, and enhanced strategic thinking.


Overview: NovoEd fosters collaborative learning and emphasizes group projects, peer feedback, and real-world application.

Outcomes: Leaders develop teamwork, communication, and problem-solving skills.


Overview: BetterUp combines professional coaching with technology and provides leaders with personalized coaching sessions, fostering growth and self-awareness.

Outcomes: Leaders report improved confidence, resilience, and work-life balance.


Overview: GlobeSmart specializes in cross-cultural leadership development and equips leaders with the skills they need to navigate diverse global teams successfully.

Outcomes: Leaders learn cultural nuances, adapt communication styles, and build inclusive environments.

Taking the Next Step

Investing in effective training software is not a luxury—it’s a strategic imperative and essential for sustainable success. As we’ve explored the top solutions for 2024, let’s recap why this investment matters.

Exceptional leaders drive organizational success. They navigate complexity, foster innovation, and build resilient teams. However, in order to reap the benefits of exceptional leadership, we have to invest in leadership development. 

Technology enables us to develop effective leaders. The tech-driven transformation of leadership development is here to stay. From AI-driven assessments to immersive simulations, technology enhances both learning experiences and outcomes.

Customization is important because no two organizations are alike. Customizable platforms allow you to tailor training content, ensuring relevance, participation, and impact.

Data analysis can improve outcomes. Robust reporting and analytics provide actionable insights and can help organizations measure progress, adapt strategies, and demonstrate ROI.

Scalability and flexibility are essential when investing time and resources in leadership development software. Whether you’re a startup or a multinational corporation with thousands of employees, choose solutions that scale with your organization’s growth.

Muriel Call

Muriel Call

Staff Writer / Editor

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